Shedding the Stigma Surrounding Cosmetic Surgery

I'm on a personal mission to get rid of the stigma that still surrounds cosmetic surgery in many regions. Why am I on this mission? A small surgery changed my life, and I have never regretted it. I was a very shy child with little confidence due to my protruding ears. It sounds like such a small problem to many people, but it affected me and my self esteem greatly. I saved up in high school while working a part-time job, and as soon as I could afford it, I got my parents to agree to let me have my ears "pinned back" when I was 16. My confidence skyrocketed immediately, and I finally began enjoying life for the first time. I want to help others facing similar problems know that they are not alone, and I hope I can touch many lives with my new blog!

Should I Get Microdermabrasion?


Microdermabrasion is a treatment performed by a dermatologist or other skin professional that will remove the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin.  Corundum, a natural mineral, is emitted from a hand-held piece of equipment onto the skin.  This exfoliates the skin's surface and help to promote the formation of collagen deeper in the dermis.  There is no risk involved in microdermabrasion, and the skin is not penetrated at all, making it a great advancement in dermatology technology. 

The Microdermabrasion Process        

After cleansing the skin, the hand-held piece of equipment is slowly moved over the entire surface of the skin.  The entire surface of that area will be exfoliated.  If there are areas on the skin that need deeper exfoliation, such as areas with excessive pigmentation, the treatment will be repeated.  Afterward, a cream that hydrates the skin will be applied.  A sunscreen will be applied for patients that may have hyperpigmentation.   

Conditions that can be Treated with Microdermabrasion     

Although the dermatologist will recommend a treatment that is best for your condition, here are some things that can easily be treated with microdermabrasion:

  • Acne, blackheads, oily skin and large pores
  • Wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, sun spots and liver spots
  • Post-acne and hormonal pigmentation
  • Dry, dull and dehydrated skin

Conditions that cannot be Treated with Microdermabrasion       

Following is a list of skin issues that cannot be treated with microdermabrasion:

  • Freckles, moles, birthmarks or warts
  • Skin cancers
  • Active rosacea
  • Recent herpes outbreaks and anyone with a history of cold-sores that require an anti-viral prescription
  • Any undiagnosed lesions on the skin

Any patients with unstable diabetes or any autoimmune disorders should not be treated with microdermabrasion as well. 

After a Microdermabrasion Treatment   

After you receive treatment, your skin will have a pink tone for up to a few hours afterward.  It looks and feels similar to having slight sunburn.  Most patients claim that the microdermabrasion process feels like a refreshing feeling upon the skin, and that it occasionally feels scratchy, but not painful. 

Special Precautions

After receiving microdermabrasion, you should apply sunscreen routinely to avoid excessive pigmentation and sunburn.  Patients should not get their skin waxed within several days before or after the treatment.  Also, patients are not recommended to use alpha-hydroxy creams within the few days following treatment.  Retin A, Differin, Tazorac, Renova or Kinerase Tretinoin should not be used in the days following microdermabrasion.  Accutane should not be taken within 4 to 6 months after treatment. 

Number of Microdermabrasion Treatments     

The number of treatments needed depends on the condition of the skin.  Skin that is darker or has more sun damage may require more treatments.  Skin will look and feel smoother after one treatment, but you will notice more dramatic results after 3 or 4 treatments.  Most patients receive between 5 and 10 treatments.  These treatments should be around 2 to 4 weeks apart.    

Microdermabrasion will definitely turn back the hands of time that are evident on the skin.  It will exfoliate the skin and reveal a new and more beautiful you. Talk to your dermatologist, such as someone from Kleydman Dermatology, for more information.


30 October 2014