Shedding the Stigma Surrounding Cosmetic Surgery

I'm on a personal mission to get rid of the stigma that still surrounds cosmetic surgery in many regions. Why am I on this mission? A small surgery changed my life, and I have never regretted it. I was a very shy child with little confidence due to my protruding ears. It sounds like such a small problem to many people, but it affected me and my self esteem greatly. I saved up in high school while working a part-time job, and as soon as I could afford it, I got my parents to agree to let me have my ears "pinned back" when I was 16. My confidence skyrocketed immediately, and I finally began enjoying life for the first time. I want to help others facing similar problems know that they are not alone, and I hope I can touch many lives with my new blog!

Summertime Alert: How To Be Confident In Your Body


Summertime is the time when everyone wears shorts, swimsuits, and tank tops. If you feel too self-conscious to get into any of these items, you may be wondering if you'll have to stay inside all summer long or if you will have to wear a giant kimono to cover up. Before you take any drastic measures and cancel all of your summer plans in fear that you won't look good enough in your summertime clothes, why not make some changes now that will give you more confidence in a few months?

Start An Exercise Plan

Exercise is key if you want to tone up, get lean, or just be healthy. If you don't currently have s strict exercise regimen that you follow, then now is the time to start one. Just remember though that if you are going to be doing something long-term, that you want it to be sustainable. So while you may think that the best way to get into an exercise plan is to go as hard as you can 7 days a week, that will only lead to injury and burnout. Instead, ease into a variety of workouts like weight training and cardio and start by only doing it three times a week. Slowly, as you get into better shape, you can increase the number of days that you are doing it. 

Watch What You Eat

You can work out around the clock and never get results if you are still eating poorly. Try to get into a different mindset when it comes to food and eat a diet that's high in lean proteins (egg whites, chicken, turkey, beans), fresh produce, and whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and bread). By being conscious of what you are putting into your body, you can help to really tone up and get the body that you want. Plus, you may notice more health benefits like a healthier heart and better blood sugar. 

Try a Body Contouring Procedure

In addition to eating right and working out on a regular basis, you may also want to look into a body contouring procedure. Body contouring procedures can help you target unwanted fat across your body that you haven't been able to get rid of with diet and exercise alone. With noninvasive body contouring procedures like EMSculpt, you can tighten and tone up your body without having to go under the knife, which means less recovery time. With a procedure like this, you can get nearly instant results after just a few treatments which will help you feel even more confident in your clothing. Speak with a professional who provides a body contouring service like EMSculpt


6 April 2020