Shedding the Stigma Surrounding Cosmetic Surgery

I'm on a personal mission to get rid of the stigma that still surrounds cosmetic surgery in many regions. Why am I on this mission? A small surgery changed my life, and I have never regretted it. I was a very shy child with little confidence due to my protruding ears. It sounds like such a small problem to many people, but it affected me and my self esteem greatly. I saved up in high school while working a part-time job, and as soon as I could afford it, I got my parents to agree to let me have my ears "pinned back" when I was 16. My confidence skyrocketed immediately, and I finally began enjoying life for the first time. I want to help others facing similar problems know that they are not alone, and I hope I can touch many lives with my new blog!

Moles And Skin Cancer: When Should You Make An Appointment With A Dermatologist About One Of Your Moles?


People who have fair skin commonly have a few moles on their bodies. Aside from being a cosmetic blemish, they're normally harmless. If you have moles on your body, however, it's important to inspect them regularly. Moles have a large number of melanocytes in them, which are cells that produce melanin. Melanin is a dark pigment that helps to protect your skin from sunlight, and the considerable amount of melanin in moles is why they're typically colored dark brown.

Unfortunately, the large number of melanocytes inside moles makes them a place where melanoma is more likely to develop. Melanoma occurs when the melanocytes begin to constantly reproduce without limit, and it's the most serious form of skin cancer. Regularly checking your moles will help you catch melanoma development early, and detecting melanoma early means that it can almost always be treated easily. To find out when you should see a dermatologist about a suspicious mole and what will happen during your dermatology appointment, read on.

What Are Some Signs That a Mole May Be Cancerous?

Moles should be symmetrical and evenly colored. If your mole has jagged edges or an uneven coloration, it could be a sign of cancer, and you'll need to have it checked by a dermatologist. Moles shouldn't bleed or itch, either — if you have a mole that suddenly begins bleeding or itching, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. Moles should also remain the same size throughout your life. If one of your moles suddenly starts growing larger, then you should have it checked for cancer.

People normally develop moles during childhood and adolescence. If you develop a new mole in adulthood, it should be checked by a dermatologist. This is especially true if the mole is in an area that receives a significant amount of sunlight since sunlight exposure increases your risk of developing melanoma.

How Often Should You Check Your Moles?

You should check all of the moles on your body for changes at least every three months. It doesn't take very long, and you can do it easily when you step out of the shower. If you have moles on your back that can't be seen easily, inspect them using a handheld mirror or have another person monitor them for any changes.

How Does a Dermatologist Determine if a Mole Is Cancerous?

When you visit a dermatologist to see if a mole is developing melanoma, your dermatologist will perform a biopsy of the mole. A biopsy is a tiny sample of cells, and a lab technician will inspect the melanocytes in the biopsy to determine whether or not they're cancerous. Your dermatologist will apply a numbing cream to your mole and remove a small portion of it. The procedure is quick and nearly painless. If the mole biopsy is positive for melanoma, then the mole can be removed at a later appointment.

If you think that a mole on your body may be cancerous, it's important to have it checked by a dermatologist as soon as possible. If it's not removed, melanoma can spread into nearby lymph nodes. From there, it can continue spreading throughout your whole body, and this makes it much more difficult to treat. When you have a mole that looks suspicious, scheduling an appointment at a dermatology clinic and having it examined is the best course of action — catching skin cancer early will minimize the risk of it spreading.

To learn more, contact a local dermatology clinic.


24 August 2021