Shedding the Stigma Surrounding Cosmetic Surgery

I'm on a personal mission to get rid of the stigma that still surrounds cosmetic surgery in many regions. Why am I on this mission? A small surgery changed my life, and I have never regretted it. I was a very shy child with little confidence due to my protruding ears. It sounds like such a small problem to many people, but it affected me and my self esteem greatly. I saved up in high school while working a part-time job, and as soon as I could afford it, I got my parents to agree to let me have my ears "pinned back" when I was 16. My confidence skyrocketed immediately, and I finally began enjoying life for the first time. I want to help others facing similar problems know that they are not alone, and I hope I can touch many lives with my new blog!

Ask A Vascular Medicine Surgery Specialist If Sclerotherapy Can Help Your Varicose Veins


Varicose veins might cause itching and discomfort, but they may not cause you any physical problems at all. That doesn't mean you should put up with them if their appearance bothers you. A vascular medicine surgery specialist can remove varicose veins, even if the procedure is for cosmetic reasons only.

If eliminating the veins would make you feel more confident about your appearance, then talk to a doctor about your options. They might recommend sclerotherapy. Here's how it works.

An Examination Is Needed First 

Since there are different ways to have varicose veins treated, it's important to have an evaluation by a vascular medicine surgery specialist to see if sclerotherapy is right for you. The doctor can let you know if another type of treatment is better or if you can choose the type of treatment you like best.

Once you know your options, you can compare them and choose the best way to deal with your varicose veins considering your personal situation and finances, since insurance may not cover the procedure if it is for cosmetic reasons.

Ultrasound Guidance May Be Needed

Sclerotherapy involves injecting chemical foam or liquid into the veins to close them off. If the veins are deep, the doctor may need to use ultrasound imaging to guide the needle to the vein. The doctor passes a needle through your skin to puncture a varicose vein and then injects the chemical liquid or foam that causes a reaction that seals the vein and causes the vein to shrivel and disappear over a few weeks to months.

If you have multiple varicose veins, you'll probably have multiple injections on the same visit. However, it may take more than one visit to treat all of your veins so you can get the results you want.

Compression Stockings Are Worn During Recovery

Your vascular medicine surgery specialist may ask you to wear compression stockings after the procedure to improve the cosmetic results of sclerotherapy. You'll also be given instructions for recovery that might include avoiding strenuous exercise and hot baths for several days.

You won't see instant results from sclerotherapy since your body has to absorb the varicose veins after the blood supply to them is blocked. However, over time, the appearance of the veins will gradually get better until they disappear completely.

When varicose veins are removed with sclerotherapy, they don't come back. However, new varicose veins might develop. Your doctor might discuss things you can do to reduce the risk of new varicose veins appearing, but if they do, they may be suitable candidates for future sclerotherapy treatments.

Contact a local varicose vein service, such as Ponte Vedra Vein Institute, to learn more. 


22 June 2022