Shedding the Stigma Surrounding Cosmetic Surgery

I'm on a personal mission to get rid of the stigma that still surrounds cosmetic surgery in many regions. Why am I on this mission? A small surgery changed my life, and I have never regretted it. I was a very shy child with little confidence due to my protruding ears. It sounds like such a small problem to many people, but it affected me and my self esteem greatly. I saved up in high school while working a part-time job, and as soon as I could afford it, I got my parents to agree to let me have my ears "pinned back" when I was 16. My confidence skyrocketed immediately, and I finally began enjoying life for the first time. I want to help others facing similar problems know that they are not alone, and I hope I can touch many lives with my new blog!

Ideas For A Dreamcatcher Tattoo


A lot of people love having a dreamcatcher hanging in their window and may feel that this intricate and beautiful device helps them to have better dreams while keeping nightmares away. A dreamcatcher in your bedroom can be a comfort, but you may also be interested in having this symbol inked onto your body. A dreamcatcher tattoo can work well in many different areas, including on your upper arm, leg, or even your sternum. Instead of having a standard dreamcatcher image inked onto your skin, think about the different ways that your tattoo artist can give this symbol a custom feel. Here are some ideas.


It's common for several feathers to hang below the dreamcatcher. One idea that may interest you is choosing a specific number of feathers that has a certain meaning. For example, if you have three children, you might like the idea of having three feathers hanging below the dreamcatcher — one to represent each of your kids. You could even have your children's initials appear on the feathers, or perhaps have the feathers appear in different sizes to depict the ages of your children.


Dreamcatchers typically have a number of beads on their woven strands. The beads are another area in which you can get creative to give your dreamcatcher a tattoo a custom look. One idea is to have each of the beads appear in a different color that means something to you. For example, you might ask your family members to identify their favorite colors, and then ensure that these colors are represented among the beads. Or, you might think of using colors that represent the birthstones of your family members and even your closest friends.

Additional Elements

You also have the ability to add various custom elements to the dreamcatcher to further ensure it has a custom look. If you love nature, you might think about having a tiny bird sitting on the frame of the dreamcatcher. Or, if you want to incorporate your cat or dog into the design, consider having some of the beads shaped like paw prints. If you have a lucky number, you might even think of having your tattoo artist discreetly design the tattoo so that some of the woven strands are shaped like this number. Jot down some ideas for your custom dreamcatcher tattoo and then visit a local professional tattoo shop to discuss your ideas with an artist.

For more information, contact a company like JP Alfonso Studios.


2 June 2023